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How Do I Use Form Question Logic
How Do I Use Form Question Logic
Trevor Shaffer avatar
Written by Trevor Shaffer
Updated over 9 months ago

The Redlist form builder includes 11 types of logic that users can apply to questions. These logics help ensure that the correct information is captured in a form and that the appropriate follow-up actions are taken based on that information.

Redlist's Question logic can be found by following the steps below:

Step 1: Navigate to the Form Builder

Step 2: Navigate to a question and click "Edit"

Types of Logic:

1: Required

This logic requires that a question must be answered before a form can be submitted.

2: Associate

This logic associates a question with another question, allowing the user to link the answer of one question to an answer in a different question

Ex. There is a question that allows a user to select a specific asset, and an inspection question. The associate logic is used to link the answer of the inspection question to the asset select

3: Visible

This logic shows or hides a question based on the user's response to a previous question.

4: File/Photo

This logic allows users to upload files or photos as part of their response to a question.

5: Task

This logic creates a task or action item based on the user's response to a question.

6: Notification

This logic sends a notification or alert based on the user's response to a question.

7: Information

This logic provides additional information to the user

Ex. A question is asking the user to inspect an asset. The information logic is used to provide a bulleted list of things to look for while inspecting the asset

8: Reporting

This logic determine when the question and its answer will be visible on the PDF report generated after submission

9: Approval

This logic requires approval from a designated person or group based on the user's response to a question.

10: Form Visible

This logic shows or hides the PDF report generated from a form based on the user's role or permissions

Ex. Users may be given access to fill out and submit a Safety Incident Form, but do to the sensitive nature of the information often contained in these forms, access to the PDF reports generated upon submission can be limited to selected users and roles

11: Form Name

This logic allows users to update the name of the form based on their response to a question.

Ex. When doing annual inspections on a piece of equipment, a user may want the equipment ID to show in the name of the form. Using this logic on the equipment selection question will append the equipment ID to the end of the form name. "Annual Inspection - Unit #123"

Note - When a question logic button is red, that logic has been setup for the question that is being viewed

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